Skin Tag Removal in Sydney: What to Expect

Pymble Dermatology

Skin tags are benign growth of excess skin. They are usually located in the neck, groin, and even the face. Although they are painless and harmless, they can be annoying when you’re wearing your favourite necklace. 

Both men and women are prone to skin tags. However, evidence suggests that they are more common to obese, pregnant women and pre-diabetic individuals.

The tags cause no medical complications, but they are cosmetically displeasing. If you have skin tags, always seek medical advice as there are risks associated with self removal of skin tags ie.  bleeding, infection, pain and incomplete removal of skin tag..


The following procedures are available at Pymble Dermatology and our dermatologists will assess you and discuss with you the options:


  • Cauterization: A skin tag can be eliminated using electrolysis. In this procedure, an electrode sends a regulated amount of electric current in the tag. This dries out the tissue for the tag falls off.
  • Cryosurgery: A skin tag can be removed using a probe containing liquid nitrogen. This is one of the most effective procedures. The doctor uses low temperatures to freeze the tag. Though effective, this process can irritate the surrounding skin when not done correctly. In this procedure, the skin tags fall off about 10-14 days after the treatment.
  • Excision: The tag is cut out with a scalpel or a special scissors, getting rid of the skin tag immediately. To do this procedure, your doctor will numb the area. 


After the removal, skin tags usually won’t return. But another can appear somewhere else on your body.

Bothered About Your Skin Tag 

If your skin tag is bothering you, the first thing to do is to consult a dermatologist. They can check over your skin and give you great advice.  

Need help on your skin? Looking for a great skin tag removal in Sydney? Check out Pymble Dermatology’s website and contact us today.

Improving Your Skin with the Help of Pymble Dermatology ( A North Sydney Dermatology Clinic )

Pymble Dermatology

As the largest organ of the body, the skin plays a crucial role. In addition to acting as a first line of defence against illness, it’s also an important aesthetic asset. Because of this, it’s normal to suffer a knock to your confidence when something happens to your skin. At Pymble Dermatology, our North Sydney dermatology clinic provides a selection of treatments. If you want to improve the way your skin looks and protect it, you may want to learn more about how we can help you.

Medical-Grade Acne Treatments

Most people will experience acne at some stage in their lives. It usually begins around the time of hormonal development, which is why it’s so prominent during your teenage years.

In many cases, acne is mild and easy to manage. Some people experience severe breakouts, though and this can have an adverse effect on their lives. When acne is particularly prevalent, you may choose to withdraw from your usual activities. Additionally, it can cause a lack of self-confidence. There’s also a risk that you’ll experience scarring, which can continue to affect you throughout your adult life.

Treating Acne at Our North Sydney Dermatology Clinic

Our North Sydney dermatology clinic is an excellent repository of acne treatments. If you find that the over-the-counter treatments you’re using aren’t working, we may be able to help.

Our clinicians provide a selection of topical therapies you can’t purchase off the shelf. After performing an assessment of your acne and its likely causes, we’ll recommend a selection of treatments. If necessary, we can also prescribe antibiotics and oral retinoids. Such treatments are often effective at eliminating or significantly reducing acne.

At Pymble Dermatology, we understand that acne is sometimes distressing. Because of this, we’ll always approach your case with the utmost care and sensitivity.

Tackling Rosacea

Beneath the surface of your skin, there are thousands of small blood vessels, which usually remain invisible. However, if you have rosacea, you may notice distinctive red patches on your face. Sometimes those patches are temporary, but in other cases, they can be long-lasting and obvious. As a result, if you suffer from rosacea, you may feel self-conscious because of your condition.

Eventually, rosacea can progress to cause flaky and dry skin, as well as red pustules and spots. You may also find that your skin is sensitive and easily aggravated by everyday creams and oils. As a result, controlling it at home can feel impossible.

Professional Rosacea Treatments

When your rosacea is too much to manage alone, try our North Sydney dermatology clinic. We can offer courses of antibiotics that reduce redness and inflammation. Additionally, we can assess the severity of your rosacea and provide topical treatments. Our anti-flushing medications are also ideal for treating persistent patches of redness, which are usually caused by widening blood vessels.

By using a personalised treatment plan, you can identify the cause of your rosacea and treat it accordingly. At Pymble Dermatology, we’ll help you find a treatment that’s convenient and effective.

Overcoming Eczema

Throughout Australia, more than 1-million people suffer from eczema. At our North Sydney dermatology clinic, it remains as one of the most common reasons for visits.

Eczema often starts in your childhood years, and in many cases, it will clear up before adulthood. However, it can be incredibly uncomfortable, and some adults find that it’s a condition that continues to plague them for the rest of their life. In its most severe forms, eczema can significantly restrict what you do. You may find yourself unable to engage with daily tasks because of the pain and irritation. Additionally, you could find that you’re constantly battling against triggers.

How We Can Help Your Eczema

Tackling eczema often requires a combination of self-care and medical treatments. While you’re at home, you should make a note of your triggers, and then make a conscious effort to avoid them. Staying in cool and shaded areas makes a big difference, as does wearing loose cotton clothing.

At Pymble Dermatology, we can assess the severity of your eczema and recommend a skincare regime that helps. In addition to finding the best lotions and treatments, we’ll advise you on when to apply them and how often. You can also see us periodically for a review, so we can adjust your treatment plan. In severe cases, we’re able to provide anti-itch medications that’ll help you avoid scratching. Finally, if you suffer from eczema-related infections, we can supply you with antibiotics that stop their progression.

Preventing Hyperpigmentation

It isn’t always possible to control hyperpigmentation and pigmented lesions. These lesions usually arise due to a combination of genetics and the amount of melanin present in your cells. Common examples include freckles and moles, which may be more likely to appear following sun exposure.

As you get older, you may also notice lentigines appearing in the areas that are most exposed to the sun. For example, your hands. When lentigines appear, it’s always advisable to visit a specialist who can differentiate between them and aggressive forms of skin cancer.

Tackling Hyperpigmentation with IPL

If you’re unhappy about the amount of hyperpigmentation you’re experiencing, you may want to consider Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy. Using IPL therapy, it’s possible to target the melanin-producing cells beneath the surface of your skin. When the light therapy is absorbed by these cells, they’re destroyed. 

At present, we don’t offer IPL at our North Sydney dermatology clinic. However, we can refer you to a specialist who does provide it. Our team will also be able to offer advice on how you can prevent further pigmentation. From wearing certain sunscreen strengths to using whitening creams, there are many options for you to choose from.

By visiting a North Sydney dermatology clinic, you can protect your skin and improve the way it looks. With the assistance of a skilled dermatologist, your skin will look better, for longer.


What Is Molluscum Contagiosum

Pymble Dermatology

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral infection that produces distinctive papules across the skin. Although it can occur at any age, it’s more common in children. Overall, it’s a harmless condition and most people who have it don’t require any treatment. However, it is incredibly infectious and some parents find it worrying. By understanding more about molluscum contagiosum, you can decide on the best course of treatment for your child.

Molluscum contagiosum Is a Harmless Viral Condition

A molluscum contagiosum rash is usually quite distinctive, but it’s also harmless. You may notice small spots that are around 2 to 6 mm in size. Larger spots may grow to between 10 and 20 mm, although that’s quite unusual.

The spots are raised like small domes and they often have a shiny surface. Most are skin-coloured, although they can become red or pink. You may notice a central dimple in the middle, which is usually one of the tell-tale characteristics. Some people also experience small patches of red skin around the spots. 

In most cases, those who have molluscum contagiosum will have only one or two spots. In extreme cases, you can have as many as 20. You should find that the spots are clustered into one area. 

Getting a Diagnosis

If you’re unsure of what is causing your rash, it’s always better to speak with a medical professional. Some doctors will choose to diagnose molluscum contagiosum on the basis of a visual inspection alone. As it is quite a common childhood rash, it isn’t always necessary to undergo further investigations.

However, when your doctor isn’t sure or if you are presenting to them as an adult, they may want to perform a biopsy. A biopsy that is taken from the centre of one of your spots can be analysed in a lab to identify the molluscum contagiosum virus. As the spots can sometimes look like boils, identifying the virus is particularly important if you choose to pursue treatment for the condition.

Undergoing Treatment for Molluscum Contagiosum

It isn’t always necessary to undergo treatment for molluscum contagiosum. If your child has a case of it and it is particularly mild, they may find the treatment too uncomfortable to justify using it. The spots usually clear up within 12 to 18 months. Although it isn’t impossible for them to return after this stage, it’s unusual for that to happen.

With that said, there are times when treating molluscum contagiosum is preferable to leaving the condition alone. Such cases include:

  •   The spots are in an area that causes pain, for example, the locations where they rub against your skin or in the creases of your skin.
  •   The spot is near your eye, and is causing problems with your vision as a result.
  •   The spots are particularly big and you’re starting to feel self-conscious as a result.
  •   You’re suffering with an auto-immune condition or you’re undergoing chemotherapy and have a weakened immune system.
  •   The infection is interfering with your everyday activities in some way.

If your dermatologist agrees that it is worth treating your condition, they may explore several treatment options.

Topical Therapies

Salicylic acid and potassium hydroxide are two topical therapies you can use to treat molluscum contagiosum. They aggravate the spots your dermatologist targets, which your immune system will then detect. After detecting the spots, your immune system will break them down. In some cases, these therapies may result in scarring. As a result, it’s important to choose a practitioner with plenty of experience in using them.


Cryotherapy involves using liquid nitrogen to freeze the spots until they clear. You may need to attend several appointments for the treatment to work.


If your dermatologist chooses to use curettage, they’ll apply a local anaesthetic at the site of the spot first. From there, they’ll use a sharp instrument to remove it. It’s important to follow aftercare advice to avoid scarring.

Some dermatologists may also use a cream called Imiquimod to treat your molluscum contagiosum. However, those who do so are using the product on an off-license basis. As a result, you may find that not all dermatologists offer this therapy.

What You Can Do to Treat Molluscum Contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum can be quite contagious and spreads quite easily between children. If you’re a parent and your child has the condition, try to avoid letting them share a bath with other children. Additionally, if you have the condition, make sure you don’t share towels, bedding, or washcloths with anybody else. 

There’s no need to stay away from work or keep your child off school. Additionally, if you enjoy going swimming there’s no need for you to stop. However, if you do go swimming, try applying a waterproof plaster over the top of your spots. Make sure to avoid the sticky surface of the plaster coming into contact with the spots themselves.

What You Shouldn’t Do

At first glance, your molluscum contagiosum spots may look like spots you can squeeze. It’s important to avoid squeezing them. You may aggravate the area and if you break the skin you could develop an infection at the site.

Don’t try any home-based remedies either. This includes tying the spot at the base to cut off the circulation, or cutting them off yourself. Such remedies may cause the virus to spread further, and they increase your risk of infection.

If you see any at-home freezing kits, avoid them. It isn’t likely that they will work and freezing off spots is quite a precise art. If you try to apply such substances yourself, there’s a risk that you’ll damage the surrounding skin and cause scarring.

Overall, molluscum contagiosum isn’t a condition you need to worry about. Seeking treatment isn’t always necessary either. But if you do want treatment, it’s best to use a dermatologist. They have the skills and tools required to remove spots safely and will always do so without compromising your safety.

What Happens When You Undergo Mole Removal in Sydney?

Have you got moles on your skin? You’re not alone. Most Australians have between 10 to 40 moles at various locations on their faces and bodies. Are you thinking about undergoing mole removal? Perhaps the very idea sends shivers down your spine. Relax! At Pymble Dermatology, our mole removal Sydney dermatologists have years of experience […]